About Us
The dream of having a vibrant district society in Ota and it environ was materialized on 9th May, 2011 when the 46th ICAN president officially inaugurated OTA & DISTRICT SOCIETY OF ICAN (ODS)
The existence and steady moving, rapid growth of OTA & District Society is commending and so marvellous.
The journey actually started around July 2010 when some members who were living and working in Ota and environ came together and agreed to have a district in Ota rather than going to Lagos or Abeokuta.
The maiden meeting for the proposed Ota district society was held on 21/08/2010 at the Covenant University.
Covenant University played a significant role in birthing the district society by providing a conducive place of meeting. We are indeed grateful to Bishop David Oyedepo and Professor C. K Ayo the Vice Chancellor who accorded us all the courtesies to hold our meetings without restraints.
Thereafter, subsequent meetings were held while getting ready all necessary formalities with ICAN headquarters.
ODS’ appreciation to the 46th ICAN President, Maj. Gen. Sebastian Owuama Rtd, FCA for approving Ota and District Society and who always referred ICAN ODS as his last baby in office.